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Demon of the Wood

Real time character previs of a creature I design during my Creature Design classes. Made in ZBrush, textured in Quixel Mixer and rendered in UE5. Fur made using Maya XGEN.
Class Live Stream timelapse about my "creature design class". Finalizing the creature with ZBrush trying "Monster Eye Maker" from Artistic Squad, exporting & importing my model in Unreal Engine 5, playing with materials, making fur in Xgen, preparing scene in Unreal and other stuff...

You wanna learn how to make 3D characters with ZBrush, Keyshot, Unreal, XGEN, Marmoset.. and improve your characters illustrations, previz and presentations; contact me for online courses and "Formation Continu" or Institut Anaten at

Classes are online in English and/or French!!

ZBrush render turntable